jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

--AFter All...Dic 03 2009--

people often ask me:
Why? Why do I do this to myself, why am I eccentric, why can’t I ever be normal, why can’t I just do things like any other mortal would!?!!
I don’t feel the need to answer this question, most of the time, except with “because this is the way I like it”. And, in fact, I quite do like it, despite the many downsides of things.
An older friend I’ve known for years and take as an older Sister told me “I don’t see why you need to feel like you have to follow what people DO…
instead of following someone’s footstepts, deviate, carve your own path and let people follow you instead”.
I am a person whose life revolves arounds feelings.
I believe that feelings are what makes us who we are – a complex and amazing species. We rationalize, argue, justify, dream, inspire, aspire, fall in love; fail in it.
I embrace feelings. I bathe in emotions, day in and out. I do not feel the need of being “constantly happy”, nor do I delve for depression either.

The brain  mind rather is an extraordinary contraption often misused and abused. People spend a lot of their waking hours actively seeking happiness. “Think positive”, “keep happy thoughts”… running away from everything else in an endeavour to find happiness.
 We all indulge in and expand on our thoughts. We elaborate, recall similar memories, and in turn set our mood. We can’t help but think. We get drained when we are actively thinking only happy thoughts, instead of allowing thoughts to flow naturally.

I don’t actively SEEK happiness. Not in the conventional sense anyhow. Yes, I do things I like (it would be foolish to spend your time doing something you don’t, a job notwithstanding, for the time being). Yes, I do spend time with people I love. (when i use to..)  But emotions come in pairs. To experience one in exclusion of the other takes away the power of the emotion.
I dream, I rise above all and perform the exceptional in a mundane world when I am happy. I turn to my soul and understand myself as I relish in anger, cofusion, sadness

There is a unique sublimity in understanding the transiency of feelings, and their flow. It allows you to appreciate your moments – and while we all strive to be happy, it is a form of happiness when you understand your feelings and your current state of mind.
It’s what make us who we are, after all.

The most important is ME. Lets enjoy the time...  :D.
